Life & Legacy Gifts
Life & Legacy is a partnership of the Harold Grinspoon Foundation and Jewish Federation of Atlantic & Cape May Counties that promotes after-lifetime giving to benefit local Jewish agencies, synagogues, and organizations. Through training and support, Life & Legacy motivates Jewish organizations to integrate legacy giving into their philanthropic culture in order to assure Jewish tomorrows.
To learn more about Life & Legacy, view the national website for the program: https://jewishlifelegacy.org/
To learn more about the opportunity to make a Life & Legacy gift to an organization in Atlantic or Cape May Counties, please contact the Jewish Federation office (609-822-4404).
Life & Legacy forms
How Do I Get Started?
Being part of the Life & Legacy movement only takes one small first step: simply indicate that you have the intention of leaving a gift to one or more of the participating organizations. You can do this by filling out a Declaration of Intent form. Gift Declaration
You can make a meaningful and lasting impact on our One Jewish Community with a gift in your will, trust, retirement account, or life insurance policy.
Caring for those in need, promoting Jewish learning, celebrating our history and heritage, fostering meaningful lifelong connections- your gift will help make sure that everything you love about living Jewish in Atlantic County will endure long into the future.
Please contact the Jewish Federation for more information about the Jewish Community Foundation (609-822-4404), and please consult your financial or legal advisor to discuss the significant tax benefits to planned giving.

Life & Legacy Gifts
Life & Legacy is a partnership of the Harold Grinspoon Foundation and Jewish Federation of Atlantic & Cape May Counties that promotes after-lifetime giving to benefit local Jewish agencies, synagogues, and organizations. Through training and support, Life & Legacy motivates Jewish organizations to integrate legacy giving into their philanthropic culture in order to assure Jewish tomorrows.
To learn more about Life & Legacy, view the national website for the program: https://jewishlifelegacy.org/
To learn more about the opportunity to make a Life & Legacy gift to an organization in Atlantic or Cape May Counties, please contact the Jewish Federation office (609-822-4404).
Life & Legacy forms
How Do I Get Started?
Being part of the Life & Legacy movement only takes one small first step: simply indicate that you have the intention of leaving a gift to one or more of the participating organizations. You can do this by filling out a Declaration of Intent form. Gift Declaration
You can make a meaningful and lasting impact on our One Jewish Community with a gift in your will, trust, retirement account, or life insurance policy.
Caring for those in need, promoting Jewish learning, celebrating our history and heritage, fostering meaningful lifelong connections- your gift will help make sure that everything you love about living Jewish in Atlantic County will endure long into the future.
Please contact the Jewish Federation for more information about the Jewish Community Foundation (609-822-4404), and please consult your financial or legal advisor to discuss the significant tax benefits to planned giving.