[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]A gift to Jewish Community Foundation helps ensure our community has permanent, lasting resources to invest in our children, older adults, families, and the needy in our community and beyond.

Your gift to Foundation ensures the continued vitality of our Jewish community, today and tomorrow, for generations to come.

Planned giving gives voice to the values you and your family hold dear. As an integral part of your family philanthropy and estate planning, your gift to Jewish Community Foundation can help you avoid Federal and State taxes, including capital gains, gift, income and estate taxes, while providing you an immediate charitable deduction. Moreover, it ensures the values and causes that matter most to you and your heirs benefit from your legacy in perpetuity.

Make a difference, now and forever.

There are many ways to make a difference through the Jewish Community Foundation. Please reach out to the Jewish Federation (609-822-4404) to learn more about donations to the Jewish Community Foundation, including LIFE & LEGACY gifts.

Planned giving is a smart way to help others as you help yourself. Through strategic financial planning, you will be amazed at how the power and passion of your values will continue far into the future. You will be leading the way — and inspiring others to follow in your footsteps.[/vc_column_text][mk_padding_divider size=”20″ width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”][vc_column_text disable_pattern=”false” p_margin_bottom=”20″ width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”]LIFE & LEGACY Gifts

LIFE & LEGACY is a partnership of the Harold Grinspoon Foundation (HGF) and Jewish Federation of Atlantic & Cape May Counties that promotes after-lifetime giving to benefit local Jewish agencies, synagogues, and organizations. Through training and support, LIFE & LEGACY motivates Jewish organizations to integrate legacy giving into their philanthropic culture in order to assure Jewish tomorrows.

To learn more about the opportunity to make a LIFE & LEGACY gift, please contact Samantha Hammond, LIFE & LEGACY Coordinator, at the Jewish Federation office (609-822-4404).



What Organizations Are Participating in LIFE & LEGACY?​

The Jewish Federation of Atlantic & Cape May Counties is proud to be participating in the LIFE & LEGACY program alongside our local beneficiary agencies: ​

  • Alliance Colony Foundation
  • Avoda
  • Beron JOAS
  • Beth Israel Northfield
  • Beth Israel Congregation Vineland
  • Board of Jewish Education
  • Hebrew Women’s Benevolent Society
  • Jewish Community Foundation of Atlantic & Cape May Counties
  • Jewish Community Foundation of Cumberland, Gloucester, and Salem Counties
  • Jewish Family Service
  • Jewish Federation of Atlantic & Cape May Counties
  • Jewish Federation of Cumberland, Gloucester, and Salem Counties
  • Milton & Betty Katz JCC
  • Seashore Gardens Living Center
  • Shirat Hayam
  • Sons of Jacob Congregation
  • Temple Beth Hillel Beth Abraham


How Do I Get Started?

Being part of the LIFE & LEGACY movement only takes one small first step:​ simply indicate that you have the intention of leaving a gift to one or more of the​ participating organizations. You can do this by filling out a Declaration of Intent form. Gift Declaration

You can make a meaningful and lasting impact on our One Jewish Community with ​a gift in your will, trust, retirement account, or life insurance policy.​

Caring for those in need, promoting Jewish learning, celebrating our history and heritage, fostering meaningful lifelong connections- your gift will help make sure that everything you love about living Jewish in Atlantic County will endure long into the future.​



“The LIFE & LEGACY program ensures JFS and our Jewish community organizations remain strong l’dor v’dor (from generation to generation). No matter what changes, JFS will be here. It is our responsibility to keep the light burning. Thanks to the thoughtfulness of JFS LIFE & LEGACY supporters, there will always be an open door, a kind soul and sympathetic ear when community members are in need.”  – Jewish Family Service

“Through years of local Jewish community involvement, it is apparent that Jewish agencies and synagogues reach out to the same donors, often bombarding them with raising funds. Now for the first time, because of the phenomenal program of LIFE & LEGACY, created by the Harold Grinspoon Foundation, the entire Jewish community is working together for the purpose of endowing both synagogues and Jewish agencies so they will be vibrant for our future generations. Without the Grinspoon Foundation, the goal of perpetuating our Jewish community was only a wish of well-intentioned leaders and now it can be achieved with everyone united.” – Ted Rich

“By easing some of our concerns about long-term financial viability, LIFE & LEGACY has boosted our optimism in the face of challenging demographic trends. We encourage increased participation in LIFE & LEGACY even as we focus on the immediate work of ‘what’s new and what’s next’ to meet the needs of our current — and future — community membership.” – Rabbi Jonathan Kremer

“LIFE & LEGACY has made a significant impact on Beth Israel’s ability to maintain its vitality well into the future. Through the vision and generosity of those whose lives have been enriched by Beth Israel, the Legacy Society will ensure that generations to come will find the synagogue a warm and loving  place to celebrate life and Judaism.” – Rabbi David Weis

“LIFE & LEGACY monies will help assure that the Board of Jewish Education is able to continue to provide Jewish Education for our community for many future generations.” – Nancy Rubin

“The LIFE & LEGACY program gives us a vehicle to sustain our future and have meaningful conversations with our supporters about their legacies. As we continue to serve our average 91 year old population in the midst of a pandemic we are acutely aware of how these funds will not only help us during the times of business as usual but provide emergency funds during times of crisis. – Martin Klein (Seashore Gardens Living Center)

“The LIFE & LEGACY program has opened the door for conversations about what a synagogue can mean to a family. The program has enabled Shirat Hayam to have conversations about why the synagogue is important, and also what life might be without it – which almost always leads to realizing how important it is to ensure its viability, its vitality, and its future.” – Judy Galler[/vc_column_text][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][vc_column_text p_margin_bottom=”20″ width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”]TYPES OF FUNDS

There are many endowment vehicles with which to create the legacy that suits you best.

  • Donor Advised – you help determine what your gift will fund. An ideal vehicle if you make gifts to several charities, such as a synagogue, agency, alma mater, hospital, etc. It offers you the simplicity of one fund for all of your charitable giving needs.
  • Restricted – you determine what level of support is provided and where, to a specific cause or causes, to a program established in your name, or to the organization or organization you specify. Distributions are made only to the causes you choose, and you control, at inception, exactly where your gift will go.
  • Unrestricted – most gifts received are unrestricted, allowing the Foundation to respond to the urgent needs of our community as they arise. Your gift will be used to support a variety of Jewish causes, as determined by Foundation.
  • LOJE and PACE – Lion of Judah Endowment and Perpetual Annual Campaign Endowment gifts are established at twenty (20) times your gift to the annual campaign, with distributions made to the annual campaign only after your death. These endowments perpetuate your gift to the annual campaign.


[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]TYPES OF GIVING

  • Cash – a gift of cash to a qualified non-profit or foundation is encouraged by our government through tax incentives and charitable deductions.
  • Charitable Remainder Trusts (and Wealth Replacement Trusts) – allow you to increase your annual income; avoid federal and state taxes, such as capital gains, estate, and gift taxes; receive an immediate charitable deduction; provide security for your heirs; and make large gifts to your favorite charities.
  • Life Insurance – when you give a gift of life insurance naming the Foundation as irrevocable beneficiary and owner, the premiums you pay are fully deductible each year, and the policy allows you leave a significant gift at a fraction of its actual value.
  • Pensions and IRAs – leaving a pension or IRA to Foundation can protect your estate and your heirs from significant tax burdens.
  • Real Property – gifts of art, jewelry, real estate, and other items of value benefit Foundation and may reduce your taxes significantly.
  • Stock – a gift of stock allow you a tax deduction for the entire fair market value of the stock on the date you give the gift.

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_column_text]Articles in Voice at the Shore (click on title to read article)


Please contact the Jewish Federation for more information about the Jewish Community Foundation (609-822-4404), and please consult your financial or legal advisor to discuss the significant tax benefits to planned giving.


Thank you to the community leaders who have made a commitment to our community through LIFE & LEGACY commitments (list as of 02.28.2022). Click on the graphic to enlarge it.
