In FamÂiÂly DeclasÂsiÂfied social sciÂenÂtist KatherÂine FenÂnelÂly delves into the ratioÂnale and conÂseÂquences of famÂiÂly secrets by studyÂing her grandÂfaÂther, FranÂcis Kalnay, a JewÂish HunÂgarÂiÂan immiÂgrant who overÂcame a childÂhood marked by tragedy and rose to become the head of an elite espiÂonage unit for the Allied Forces durÂing World War II. In 1954 FranÂcis abanÂdoned his famÂiÂly and fled […]
An investment club the members pool small amounts of money monthly and invests in Israeli publicly traded stock companies listed on the U.S., NYSE, AMEX and NASDAQ stock exchanges By Invitation only-Please contact Eileen Raynes or Jerry Savoy(609-892-5978)
An investment club the members pool small amounts of money monthly and invests in Israeli publicly traded stock companies listed on the U.S., NYSE, AMEX and NASDAQ stock exchanges By Invitation only-Please contact Eileen Raynes or Jerry Savoy(609-892-5978)