Installation Weekend: Welcoming Rabbi Michael Feshbach to Beth Israel

November 18, 2022 @ 6:00 pm – November 19, 2022 @ 2:00 pm
Susan Sokalsky

Installation Weekend: Welcoming Rabbi Michael Feshbach

Friday, November 18

Shabbat Dinner, 6:00 PM.  Reservations for dinner required; detail to follow.

Erev Shabbat Service, including the Installation of Rabbi Michael Feshbach, 7:30 PM

Installation led by Rabbi Dr. Jonathan Hecht, Dean, Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion (Cincinnati campus),

and Beth Israel Rabbi Emeritus David M. Weis

Open to the Community


Saturday, November 19

Shabbat Morning Study led by Rabbi Dr. Jonathan Hecht, Cohen Library, 9:15 AM

Shabbat Morning Service, Wolff Chapel, 10:30 AM

Shabbat Luncheon, 11:30 AM

Open to the Community;

Reservation required for Brunch;

details to follow